Monday, 8 June 2015

Why Specialist Software Improves Accessibility to IT Communication

18 May 2015

Types of Software used to help Disabled people 

Specialist software was created because it helps other people with a disability to be able to access the computer and other facilities within the computer.

In addition this may help people with other disabilities and find it very easy to access the computer software without any problems.This program doesn't only help disabled people but it also makes them feel like they are part of something.

There are different types of software that can help make disabled people use the computer more effectively, below I will be showing you some of the software and tools.

I got this image online 
This image is the first equipment I found on the internet which is called a video magnifier, this equipment is used by most impaired users because it is very easy to use, it has a seven inch "HD" screen which is very clear, this equipment also has five buttons with large symbols which is very visible and it is in white and black. 

In addition they can also change the magnification by 2.2 times, however there are also twelve high contrast colour mode which they may choose from and it is suitable for reading.

To conclude these colour modes helps to lower their eye strain, in addition it does this by calibrating the cursor and and choosing to call anybody. This website shows how it works, this website will back up my explanation. With the help of this video, i explained what it was and how it works.

I took this image online 
This is my second image I found on the Internet and it is called "Camera Mouse" impaired users use this program because it lets them control the mouse pointer on a computer, the reason being that they will be using their head and eyes to move the pointer.

In addition the user can send an email without touching the mouse, he just simply has move the mouse with his eyes, they can also draw or colour in a piece of picture by just moving their head around.
To conclude this website shows how it works. the help of this video, i explained what it was and how it works.

I got this image online 

I found this image online and it is called Assistive technology, however it is an automatic communication device that helps them communicate with either their parents or with have peers. Additionally they can make the technolgy talk by just looking at the screen or an icon on the screen.

This device is censored in other words it works with the person's head movement.

To conclude these users use this device to do everything with it, the reason being that they cannot use any other device such laptops because it will cause eye strain. This website will help backup my evidence; By the help of this video I explained what is was and how it works.

The On-Screen Keyboard and Test Readers

The On-Screen keyboard

This keyboard helps a lot of disabled users to write either an email or on a word document easily. The way they use it is by using the mouse to click the letters of their choice whilst seeing on the screen, additionally they could also touch the screen which means they will have to set it to be touch screen.

I took this image online 
This image shows they have inserted "On-screen keyword" to write using Word Pad and by doing this it makes it very easy for a visually impaired user to write whatever it is he or she is about to write whether it’s a letter or an email.

To conclude it is all up to the user whether he or she wants to write whilst clicking or they want to set it up as touch screen where they will be touching the screen whilst typing.

Text Readers

Text readers is a very useful software because it helps the visually impaired to listen to their emails, and other activities such as the software alerts when either they have mail or message.

The software says " YOU HAVE MAIL" and the software will then read out the mail or message, to conclude screen readers is available on Microsoft Windows which is called "Microsoft Narrator".

The image above shows the Microsoft Narrator that I was explaining about, the user can change the settings of the way it works it all depends on the user.

They could change the voice command  which means they are changing how fast or how loud they want it to speak, in addition this application is found on "Accessories on their computer, which then they will have to look for "Ease of Access" then click on “Narrator".

This website will help back up my explanation,

The Equipment for Partially Sighted

There are different types of ways to help the partially sighted when using a computer, we should be able to help the partially sighted so that it will allow them to work and make them not feel left out.

This image shows how I am using magnifier to make my writing bigger, the dialogue on the right of the page is the settings of how to get a magnifier, additionally the user can change the size of the magnifier it all depends on how he or she wants it to be. 

The top application shows how the user can choose how much they can zoom in and out of the screen. Furthermore to be able to find this application the user will have to go to "Accessories" which the he or she will have to click on "Ease of Access" and find magnifier.

Full-Screen Mode:

Full-Screen Mode is all about the computer screen being zoomed in, for example; if it is set to 100% then the whole screen will be zoomed to 100%. If you have the zoom in is too big you may not be able to see the whole of the screen at some point in time.

Lens Mode:

I used Lens Mode in my screenshot whilst changing the settings, it is where you have a certain space that get magnified around your mouse cursor. It all depends on how big the user sets the area to in the settings and also how much area is around your mouse which is magnified.

Docked Mode:

Docked Mode is when the magnifier screen is in one position and the rest of your screen is the same size but when you move the mouse around the screen it becomes magnified.

For more information you can go to this website to find out how to use it.

Staying Safe Whilst using Specialist Communication Channel

Safety and Security:

Staying safe whilst using blogs is always a good idea because clicking unnecessary content whilst using the blog could bring virus onto your computer. So it is recommended that before clicking on any links the user must scan to see whether it is safe to use then and only then may he or she click the link.

Additionally when commenting on a blog the user should be sure to always limit the amount of personal information that he or she put on their blog, to conclude adding to much information will increase the risks of people obtaining their details. 

I got this image from the Internet
Furthermore it is always a good idea to look at sites that are safe and they do not have any virus attached to it because once the user opens it, it will spread all over the computer which could bad because it might corrupt the users files. In addition the user could also find disclaimer which says that the user personal details will be used securely, this simply means that they are entitled to keeping your details protected.

Most of all comments on blogs could have spammers, this is where there is bad comments on different user’s blogs. To conclude when taking precaution, user should always be aware of people posting abusive or threatening images or posts, they should never in any case try to interact with them or do anything they tell you to, as you never know what the consequences might be.

"" This is the website I took most of my information from but I added some other information from my imagination.

Securing Personal Data

When the user is using a blog he or she should know to never reveal any personal information about themselves at all times. If they are required to enter their names or email address they should use a different name which will benefit them in many ways, additionally they should never expose their true identity.
If they make their passwords or usernames untraceable it will be very difficult for spammers or hackers to track them down.

These users may also find a comment section at the bottom of the blog where people post links to trick users into clicking on a mysterious links that will lead users into entering personal information, hackers can use this information to obtain your bank details and most especially it will cost the user to be in debt.
I got this image online
It is always a good idea for users to keep their personal details safe when they are online so that hackers cannot access the personal files or bank details, which is why it is always a good idea that it is kept somewhere safe where only they have access to it, additionally giving an email address on blog sites can get a lot information about you just like that. This therefore means that it is important to remember that giving even a little piece of information can give hackers access to all of your information.

To conclude this term is most commonly known as identity theft, this where hackers get money from users unexpectedly, the best way to deal with this situation will be to inform the bank immediately to block your card, in that way the hackers will lose access to your details and your personal details will be secured.

"" This is the website I took most of my information from but I added some other information from my imagination.

Data Protection

The user should always include the “Data Protection Act” when creating a blog because it is always good to stay safe online, the most essential problem is that the creator of the blog must follow the rules and regulations into keeping the visitors details safe at all times.

Additionally it is required to be on the safe side when dealing with personal detail, which therefore means that no customer or users personal information is to be misused or by any means, obtained by other blogs.

"I copied most of this text from my previous assignment but i just added the bit about how to be safe whilst using the blog".

I got this image online 

Firewalls (Strong Passwords)

When browsing online it is always safe to use firewall to protect the user’s computer from getting virus unintentionally, which is why when users create their blogs they always try and use firewall because it gives them a clear idea of how to stay safe online. 

Additionally this software was created to prevent any unauthorized access into any other person’s computer, it can keep the user secure by automatically analyzing data, and deciding whether the data is harmful or not.

To conclude if it is dangerous it will be removed and the user will be notified if the computer is in danger of getting unexpected virus in to his or her computer. In order to protect their computer, the firewall will act as shield against any harmful sites. 

I got this image online

Strong passwords will always help keep your data or document safe, the reason being that it will reduce the risks of people guessing any users password, when creating a password it must have a combination of symbols, numbers or letters to stay unshakable.

This is so that the password is going to be secure and the longer the password, the more difficult it will become for the hackers to hack the password, it is always recommended that password length should be more than 8 characters, which will contain upper case and lower case letters.

To conclude users should avoid using simple passwords such as common names or just simple passwords like “1234” because it will be very east for a hacker to hack in and go through your files. In addition to stay safe it is recommended that users should change their passwords regularly, and most of all they should never write their passwords either on a piece of paper or someplace else because they never know what might happen.

"" This is the website I took most of my information from but I added some other information from my imagination.

Digital Content

Digital content is used anywhere nowadays, furthermore there are many different types of digital content available in the market, this could include videos, audio, graphics and pictures. In blogs, the content has some form of digital subject because they can be created by everyone, which therefore means people have the right putting whatever content they want. In some case some content however, can be used for the wrong idea. For example, contents that have negativity. These sort of content are usually seen online and is usually found on social networking sites and other online resources such as blogs.

To conclude in order to protect yourself from these bad digital content, you can set additional security options, where you will be warned about the content. This will usually be with the use of an antivirus program and you will instantly know whether the website is suitable or safe.

I got this image online.

Downloadable digital content that are mostly available on the internet, can prove to be quite useful in some ways. However, it is important to keep in mind of whose content you are using and what you are using it for.

The Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, was designed so that people's content will be kept secured. This therefore means that, it will be illegal to have content from someone else’s without the owner's permission.

overall copying content online and claiming that it is yours is also known as of plagiarism, which means the consequences could result to penalty. 

"" This website help me a lot because i barely new what digital content was, luckily by reading the information on this site it give me a bigger knowledge about digital content.


  1. This is a very good blog and very helpful and is easy to navigate.

  2. thank you this is very simple to understand and nice explaining.

  3. thank you this is very simple to understand and nice explaining.
